AHRI Transfers EPA Program

AHRI is transferring the AHRI Section 608 EPA testing program to VGI Testing Services. Most of you are probably already familiar with VGI since they have
been administering this program for over 13 years.

We have sent out letters with your new information. If you do not receive a letter by May 15th please call 800-886-4109 to verify your information.

In the meantime you can use your exisitng AHRI proctor login on VGI's site to proctor an online test session.

Note: We have moved your old test session to your new VGI login.

If you need to order testing materials, you will need to login with your Testing Organization (TO) number. If you have not received it, please call us.

We are confident that the transition from AHRI to VGI will be smooth. Please feel free to contact VGI’s team at 1‐800‐886‐4109 if you have any questions or concerns.

  Login for approved VGI EPA Section 608 Proctors
  Existing Testing Organization Login



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